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Shamanic Healing

Entity/Spirit Removal

Soul Retrieval

Welcome to my healing space. Our journey through life with its highs and lows impacts on our behaviors today. Shamanic Healing allows you to connect and find the individual healing to enjoy life in the next moment. Come and experience this transformation in the serenity and peace of my healing space. 
I offer Shamanic Healing and Spiritual Services with tailored techniques in person or through remote video call. Come and experience the transformative power of my healing space today.


Shamanic Healing

Shamanic Healing is an ancient technique practiced throughout the world by our ancestors. 

It is a journey together to uncover your past life experiences and possible traumas that are influencing you today.

It works to bring the body back into a state of balance, well-being and harmony. It can assist with physical, emotional and mental challenges by identifying and transforming existing thought patterns, beliefs and behaviors. Shamanic Healers act as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, accessing guidance to facilitate healing on an energetic level. The gentle yet powerful practice has the potential to completely shift physical pain, emotional baggage and soul wounds providing a new lease of life.


Some areas of recent success using Shamanic Healing are: Removal of unwanted energy  attachments, Soul Retrieval , Past Lives and more.

Shamanic Healing can compliment professional medical care and medicine but not

always replaces.



Soul Retrieval

Soul retrieval is recommended for individuals that feel traumatized from emotional or physical events. Together we enter into a meditative state and journey into different times to reconnect the soul that became fragmented due to past traumatic events.

Soul retrieval can help restore self-confidence, eliminate addictive behavior, increase self esteem and enhance physical and spiritual energy.

Soul retrieval can compliment professional care but not always replace it.


Entity/Spirit Removal

Our homes and lives are full of energies some of which create a truly positive atmosphere.

Shamanic Clearing can remove negative energies, unwanted spirts or entities that can  be felt in your home or within yourself.

This practice can be performed remotely or in some cases by a personal visit.

Previous experiences have been localized in small areas or in some cases the entire home and some cases attached to themselves.


Long Shamanic Healing Session

This session is for clients who have seen me before and feel they need a longer session for us to dive deep into your current circumstances and specific dealing desires. We will assess what’s happening for you, identify influencing factors and get clear on your intention for the session. Each session will be specifically directed to best serve your current needs and may include a range of healing techniques.

In person or online 



Unlike many other healing modalities, there is no requirement for the shamanic practitioner to be in the same room with the client, or even in the same country. It is just as effective to receive healing at a distance.

Shamanic practitioners work on the spiritual plane where distance isn't a concern. I can work with clients anywhere in the world. You can receive a healing when and where it's convenient to you.

Generally, we'll have a phone or Video session. I will guide you with what to do during my work for you, and we'll follow up after the session.





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