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Jenna Jones Shamanic Healer

As a child during moments of stress I recall feeling a protective presence surrounding me keeping, me in a secure place and a gentle voice assuring me everything would be okay. I assumed this was a normal experience and so I never felt alarmed or frightened by what i later knew to be the presence of spirits. As I matured these Spirits began to present themselves to me and communication between us improved as the connection strengthened. At the age of 18 I began to relay ‘messages' and information with my family and friends who confirmed the accuracy of this personal information and pushed me to decide to offer Psychic readings to as many people that allowed me to. I received so many referrals and recommendations, coupled with my obvious passion to grow my understanding, I decided to open my own business and quickly became established within the community. I continued to explore the history and knowledge of the spiritual world and began to see the potential for Healing through Reiki, over time becoming a recognized Reiki Master, again having great success with the people I was grateful to help. My passion continued to grow in hand with my experience and with consent I combined regression therapy with healing to great success for others. I felt I was being guided to continue my personal journey. Over a period of 5 years, I became engrossed in the history and teachings of Shamanic Healing, and I quickly realized this was my intended path to further my passion to help others as I had been helped as a child. I sought out my mentors to gain a complete understanding and was subsequently assisted by my personal Shamanic Guides, along with knowledge of Shamanism including the use of ancient tools. This New skill has been incredibly rewarding for both my clients and me, I continue to use all my available spiritual tools, but I do feel that Shamanism was my ultimate calling and that I had to prove to be passionate and true throughout my personal spiritual journey to be guided into this.

The healing I offer is in partnership with the unseen world and works on the physical body as well as the emotional and spiritual body. I work with a number of helping spirits that offer their healing, expertise and power through my work. I look forward to meeting you.


Much love and respect








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